Lamprini Picha

Lamprini P. Picha is an Associate Professor of Business Administration (Marketing) in the Department of Business and Organizational Administration at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She received her first degree from the Department of Marketing and Communication at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), where she graduated with honors. She continued her studies at the same university, obtaining her Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, also with distinction, and earned her Doctorate from AUEB with a specialization in Brand Management. Throughout her academic journey, she has received numerous awards and scholarships for her outstanding performance, including a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation.
Her research work has been successfully published in renowned international marketing conferences and prestigious scientific journals such as the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Marketing Management, and the Journal of Product and Brand Management. In addition to her academic activities, she is actively involved in the business sector, working as a Strategy and Marketing Consultant and undertaking the coordination and management of research projects on behalf of private companies and public organizations.
She has taught courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Athens University of Economics and Business, the Hellenic Open University, and the University of Piraeus. The subjects of the courses she has taught include, among others, Marketing Management, Brand Management, Strategic Marketing, and Business Strategy. Additionally, she has presented in various training programs for private and public enterprises.
To date, she has served as a Research Associate and Lecturer in the Graduate Programs of the Department of Economics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, as a Lecturer in the Marketing Graduate Programs at the Athens University of Economics and Business, as a Member of the Academic Staff at the Hellenic Open University, and as a Lecturer in the Online Marketing Programs at the University of Piraeus.