Graduates of tertiary education institutions, as well as graduates of secondary education with relevant work experience. More specifically, the program is aimed at Business Executives, Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, Salespeople, Public and Private Organization Executives, Company Leaders, Project Managers, Team Leaders, Business and Organizational Managers, NGO Executives, and Employees of public and private organizations.
Management and Foresight: Strategy and Uncertainty

The emergence of significant challenges, such as climate change or war, raises fundamental questions about the management of entities and businesses. Global challenges require an interdisciplinary approach both in terms of research and governance. Course participants will comprehend why managing and embracing uncertainty is necessary and where foresight thinking comes into play. The program provides tools for addressing the crucial challenges of the present and the distant future. Foresight is a well-established field with a solid academic foundation. Its fundamental principle is that while the future cannot be predicted, it can be shaped through systematic processes in line with the goals and vision of an organization.
Here, "foresight thinking" refers to a strategic approach involving anticipating and planning for potential scenarios. It emphasizes the need for organizations to respond proactively to emerging challenges and opportunities.
Trainees learn how an organization in an environment of high uncertainty can identify and develop entrepreneurial opportunities in order to ensure sustainable competitive advantage. This can be achieved through the process of strategic scenario planning. The scenario planning process allows the organization to shape "alternative futures" to respond to the levels of uncertainty it faces and adapt to these "alternative futures," ensuring its survival.
Participants become familiar with the role and dynamics of trends in shaping alternative futures. The processes Futuring and Visioning are presented as alternative tools for managing uncertainty, and as the key prerequisites that make future strategic planning reliable are mentioned.
Additionally, they will learn the stages of scenario building (scenario planning process) as a fundamental tool for managing uncertainty and recognizing the role of the scenario planning process in crisis management. They will also examine scenarios as fundamental management tools in identifying and developing entrepreneurial opportunities and exploring entrepreneurship in high-uncertainty conditions.
Also, they learn how to discern the different levels of uncertainty faced by each organization as well as the optimal strategies that can be developed in each of them.
In addition, participants can discern the ways an organization uses to shape the "portfolio of moves" to deal with uncertainty. Finally, they will learn to identify criteria for qualifying investment proposals under high uncertainty conditions, evaluate the results of investment proposal adoption, recognize the importance of foresight, and understand methods for shaping competitive strategies.
1 Foresight as a Management Tool
2 Creating and using scenarios under high uncertainty conditions
3 Strategic Thinking, Uncertainty, and Organizational Changes
4 Entrepreneurial Decisions making and Uncertainty
In each module the elearner will have to take and submit electronically the corresponding tests, according to the timetable given by the instructor. The grading scale ranges from 0 to 100%.
The Training Certificate is awarded when the learner receives an average grade higher than 50%.
Online and distance training learning at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens offers a new way of combining innovative learning and training techniques with interaction with your tutor and fellow trainees from around the world.
The e-learning course is implemented via a user-friendly educational platform adjusted to the Distance Learning Principles. Courses are structured as weekly online meetings; interaction with the course tutor and other trainees takes place in a digital learning environment. The courses are designed to fit around your schedule; you access the course whenever it is convenient for you, however within the given deadlines.
The whole world becomes your classroom as e-learning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones as a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or even during your trip to Greece!
The educational platform is a portal that offers access to electronic educational material based on modern distance learning technologies. The computer based nature of training means new technology is being introduced all the time to help trainees engage and learn in a tailored way that will meet their needs. E-learners have access to the educational platform with their personal code number in order to browse all relevant training material and interact with their instructors.
Moreover, an online communication system through own personal e-mail account is available in order to make the process easier and more interactive. Trainees can contact directly their tutors or the administration office of the course and share any concerns or anxieties related to the course in order to make the most of their experience.
Every week e-learners are provided with the relevant material, delivered either in the form of video-lectures, text notes and relevant presentations or as a combination of them. The educational material of the course is uploaded gradually, per educational unit. During the course, important info for the smooth conduct of the educational process, such as timetables for the submission of the exercises are announced on the Announcement section of the platform.
For successful completion of the course the e-learner should have fulfill her/his academic obligations, meaning should have submitted all corresponding assessment exercises and have achieved at least an average of 50% grade in the corresponding tests for each module. The score scale ranges from 0 to 100%. Finally, if the total score on one or more lessons of the course does not exceed 50%, trainees can ask for reassessment.
During the course trainees will be attending a training experience designed by academics and lecturers from the National University of Athens as well as from other Universities, Research Institutes and Cultural organizations around Greece.
Interactivity, flexibility and our long tradition guarantee that learning with us offers a successful and rewarding experience. Finally, access to a large variety of material and online resources available in each unit aims to excite your curiosity and guide you in exploring further your favourite topic. Part of the online material can be downloaded providing the chance to quickly refresh your memory after the completion of the course.
When will I receive the Certificate?
The Certificate will be sent to you electronically in 3 months upon completion, if you have no remaining academic or financial obligations. The Certificate will be also sent to you through traditional post services. Upon request the Certificate can be sent with the use of courier services. In this case, the relative cost should be covered by your side.