Advanced Project Management

Advanced Project Management
Advanced Project Management
Professional Education

The educational online course “Advanced Project Management – Professional Education” is based on the International Project Management Association (IPMA) standards.

The learning material consists of extensive text, presentations, video lectures and the solution of the acquired knowledge tests assessed and integrated with remarks and explanations by the tutor. The present course is included in the Business - Economics category of our online courses and it runs via a user-friendly educational platform.

Once the participant completes all the units successfully, he/she receives a certificate of specialized training.


Emeritus Professor of Economics
MBA, project manager-IPMA

The programme is addressed to:

-University graduates from all sectors and final year students of Universities who deliver a 5-years Grade, with some or no working experience in the field of project management.
-Experienced managers who wish to get certified in Project Management.
-Senior executives who sponsor and/or assign projects in their organization.
-Organizational management and project management consultants.

The training course “Advanced Project Management – Professional Education” provides a comprehensive body of knowledge on the state of art for Project management and Project-oriented Organizations. It is based on the International Project Management Association (IPMA) standards and the National Austrian Member Association “Projekt Management Austria” Standards, which are also adopted as National Hellenic Standards by the Hellenic Member Association “PM-Greece”.

The main focus is on the International Competence Baseline (ICB– ver4.0) Standard and the National Austrian pm baseline (PMB- ver4.0) Standard, which covers the crucial elements of the project management competence. These elements are divided into three main areas: Practice, People and Perspective.

In the fourteen (14) first elements are described the most essential technical project management competences. These elements form the basis of what good project management is. A project manager who has a good command of the major part of these techniques is in position to structure a project soundly, and to maintain this structure for the duration of the project. This is an important condition for success, but is not enough.

Then are covered ten (10) behavior elements which accomplish a connection between technique and social behavior. The last five (5) elements cover the connection between the temporary project organization and the permanent organization which operates by projects. A project manager needs a certain amount of general management knowledge.  


PERSPECTIVE Competence I & PRACTICE Competence I

The scope of this lesson is to establish the course as a project, where all team members, namely the Instructors and the Participants will work together to achieve the project’s success. The course structure is presented, along with the definition of its objectives. Introductory information about the Organizations who provide the main Standards used in the course is provided. The traditional project organization models are presented and the new project organizational model of the “project-oriented organization” is introduced. The individual roles and team member roles in projects according to the new project organizational model are analyzed.The objectives of the business process of project management, its boundaries and its structure are analyzed. A brief introduction to each of the six sub-processes which form the project management process, their objectives and their time boundaries is presented. In addition an overview of the methods for the Start sub-process is presented and the concept of project scope within the project context is introduced along with the development of the project objectives plan, with emphasis on differentiating between main, additional and non-objectives.

The lesson includes 4 lessons-educational units:
Lesson 1 Programme objectives and structure. Projects, Programmes and Portfolios. IPMA “Delta Model” and International Competence Baseline ICB 4. PM-Greece, National Competence Baseline.
Lesson 2 Project Organization Models, Project Roles and New Project Model Design Elements.
Lesson 3 Design of the business process “Project Management”.

Lesson 4 Project context and project requirements, objectives & benefits.


The scope of this module is the Start sub-process in-depth analysis. The process of designing a project organization is presented. It includes the project assignment, the assignment of sub-projects, the project organization chart, and the project roles definition and descriptions. Additionally, the module aims at presenting the methods for designing the context relationships, including the project and company strategy analysis, the project and other projects analysis, the pre-project and post-project analysis and the project environments/stakeholders analysis.

Additionally, the module aims at presenting, the definition and methods for the development of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), including the definition and methods for the development of the work package specifications and the design of the Project Responsibility Matrix. Definition and examples will be given for the most used scheduling methods, as well as guidance for the best use of these methods. Some more advanced approaches will also be presented. It also includes the definition of, methods and examples for the development of the various project Resources plans and project Quality plans.

The methods for scheduling are presented, along with the definition of methods for the development of the various project Resources, Budgeting, Project Cost and Project Income and Project Finance plans. It also includes the presentation of additional constraints imposed by procurement and partnership in projects. The methods and tools for project risk management are provided, including project risks identification, evaluation, calculation, controlling and development of contingency plans. Additionally, the methods for avoiding and/or promoting project discontinuities focusing on project crises and for the development of alternative project plans are included.

The module includes 6 lessons-educational units:
Lesson 1 Designing the project organization, information and scope.
Lesson 2 Project scheduling, project resources and project quality.
Lesson 3 Project costs and financing. Project procurement and partnership.
Lesson 4 Project risk and opportunity.


The scope of this module is in-depth analysis of all the sub-processes following the Start sub-process. The analysis, methods and tools for the tasks performed continuously by the project manager during the project coordination sub-process are ensured provided. The definition of (internal) project marketing, the instruments for project marketing and its budgeting are also included. The analysis, methods and tools for the tasks performed by the project manager during the project controlling sub-process are provided.

The module includes the control and adaptation of project objectives and objects of consideration. It also includes the methods for measuring progress, schedule control, for adapting project costs and project income on the basis of changes of scope and the earned value analysis at the project level. Additionally, it includes the methods for “social” project controlling. The analysis, methods and tools for the tasks performed by the project manager whenever the project discontinuity controlling or crises sub-process is launched during the project life span, are provided.

The module includes the definitions and clear distinction between a project issue, a project discontinuity and a project crisis. It also includes the planning of immediate and additional measures for resolving a project discontinuity, its relevant root-cause analysis and the planning of alternative resolution strategies. The analysis, methods and tools for the tasks performed by the project manager during the project close-down sub-process are provided. The module includes planning of measures for the remaining work, the completion application, the formal approval and the development of project management documentation reflection. It also includes the know-how transfer, the assessment of performance and the dissolution of the project as a social system.

The module includes 4 lessons- educational units:
Lesson 1 Project coordination and project marketing.
Lesson 2 Project Controlling.
Lesson 3 Managing Project Discontinuities and Crises.
Lesson 4 Project close-down. Project and project management success assessment.


The scope of this module, is to analyze People (Social or Behavioural) Competences and to provide the methods and tools for the development of a project-specific culture, focusing on the methods of symbolic project management including the cultures of the project-oriented organization. It also includes the presentation of the ten (10) People Competences. Adequate behaviours and behaviours requiring improvement will be analyzed for each competence.

The module includes 4 lessons-educational units:
Lesson 1 Self-reflection & self-management, Personal communication.
Lesson 2 Personal integrity & reliability, Relations & engagement, Leadership.
Lesson 3 Teamwork. Negotiation.

Lesson 4 Conflict & crises, Resourcefulness, Result orientation.


The scope of this educational module, as a sequel to Perspective Competences already introduced in Lesson 1, is to provide the knowledge for applying Management by Projects as an organizational strategy in a project-oriented organization. The module includes information for the organization charts, the expert pools, the project portfolio group and a detailed analysis of the project/programme management office (PMO) and the role of the PMO manager. It also includes the essential knowledge for the project management consulting and coaching within the project oriented organization, and the process and methods for auditing projects and programmes.

The basic knowledge of the management standards and systems relevant to a project-oriented organization is also provided. This includes the basic information and knowledge for the following normative or non-normative standards: ISO 9000 family (Quality), ISO14000 family (Environment), OHSAS 18000 family (Health & Safety), ISO 50001 (Energy), ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) and ISO 31000 family (Risk).

In addition the basic knowledge of the maturity and excellence models relevant to a project-oriented organization is also provided, including basic information and knowledge for the IPMA® Project Excellence Model and the IPMA Organizational Competence Baseline (OCB™).

Finally in this module basic knowledge of the non-normative standards ISO 21500:2012 “Guidance on project management” and the other standards of the ISO 21500 and family ISO 10006:2003 “Quality management systems – Guidelines for quality management in projects” is provided. It also includes basic knowledge of the Green Project Management (GPM) PRiSMTM methodology and standards. These standards will be compared with the IPMA approach presented and analyzed throughout this course.

The module includes 4 lessons- educational units:
Lesson 1 Strategy, Governance, structures & processes.
Lesson 2 Management systems, Compliance, Standards & Regulations.
Lesson 3 Maturity and excellence models in the project-oriented organization.
Lesson 4 Culture and Values. Sustainability & Green Project Management. ISO 21500 family standards overview and comparison with the IPMA approach.

The learning material consists of extensive text, presentations, video lectures and the solution of the acquired knowledge tests assessed and integrated with remarks and explanations by the tutor. The relevant standards of IPMA and the Austrian Member Association “Projekt Management Austria” are also provided.

(extra tuition fees 150 €)

The duration of the additional-optional training module is of six weeks, in order to train the candidates for the IPMA Level D (Certified Project Management Associate) exam. The module aims at reviewing and integrating the knowledge established in the main-educational course and prepares the applicants in order to be successful in the certification process for IPMA level D “Certified Project Management Associate”.

The application procedure is presented, the self-assessment based on all twenty nine (29) competences of the International Competence Baseline ICB 4 is thoroughly described and relevant examples are given. For the Part A, the computer-based multiple-response test, techniques for dealing with multiple-response questions and examples of exam questions are provided. For the Part B, the written part of the exam, techniques for dealing with the written exam case-study and examples of exam case-studies are provided. A simulation exam is performed, in a “realistic” context for the examination day.

A Part A multiple-response questions test and four (4) Part B case-studies written exams are provided to be filled out by the applicants, within the specified time and other constraints of a real assessment. The performance of the applicants in the simulation exam is assessed by the trainer. The correct answers for the Part A multiple-response questions test and a benchmark solution for the Part B case-studies are provided. Strong points and points requiring improvement are analyzed for each applicant and final training instructions for the assessment day are provided.

The module includes the following lessons- educational units:
Lesson 1 Certification process: Application procedure, Self-assessment, Exam procedure. Training for Part A (computer based of the exam).
Lesson 2 Training for Part B (written part of the exam) + 1st Case study of Part B proposed.
Lesson 3 1st Case study of Part B reviewed +2nd Case study of Part B proposed.
Lesson 4 2nd Case study of Part B reviewed.
Lesson 5 Review of Training for both Parts, A and B +3rd Case study of Part B proposed.

Lesson 6 Simulation exam for Parts A and B of the certification exam and Review.

For the additional training module, in addition of the text and presentations material, live streaming sessions are included and a database of exam questions and case studies is provided. Successful candidates at the exam organized by the Authorized Hellenic IPMA Project Managers Certification Body (PMGCert), in Athens, Greece, are certified as Project Management Associate (IPMA Level D) and listed at the IPMA register. This certification is recognized worldwide, regardless of the Authorized National Body who delivered it. For all National Authorized Certification Bodies and exam requirements see here:



For each lesson the trainees have to submit their solution of an acquired knowledge test. Successful trainees are considered these who have a passing average grade of 50% for the overall corresponding tests of each module. Succesful completion leads to Certificate of Specialized Training from the Center of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Online and distance training learning at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens offers a new way of combining innovative learning and training techniques with interaction with your tutor and fellow trainees from around the world.

The e-learning course is implemented via a user-friendly educational platform adjusted to the Distance Learning Principles. Courses are structured as weekly online meetings; interaction with the course tutor and other trainees takes place in a digital learning environment. The courses are designed to fit around your schedule; you access the course whenever it is convenient for you, however within the given deadlines.

The whole world becomes your classroom as e-learning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones as a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or even during your trip to Greece!

The educational platform is a portal that offers access to electronic educational material based on modern distance learning technologies. The computer based nature of training means new technology is being introduced all the time to help trainees engage and learn in a tailored way that will meet their needs. E-learners have access to the educational platform with their personal code number in order to browse all relevant training material and interact with their instructors.

Moreover, an online communication system through own personal e-mail account is available in order to make the process easier and more interactive. Trainees can contact directly their tutors or the administration office of the course and share any concerns or anxieties related to the course in order to make the most of their experience.

Every week e-learners are provided with the relevant material, delivered either in the form of video-lectures, text notes and relevant presentations or as a combination of them. The educational material of the course is uploaded gradually, per educational unit. During the course, important info for the smooth conduct of the educational process, such as timetables for the submission of the exercises are announced on the Announcement section of the platform.

For successful completion of the course the e-learner should have fulfill her/his academic obligations, meaning should have submitted all corresponding assessment exercises and have achieved at least an average of 50% grade in the corresponding tests for each module. The score scale ranges from 0 to 100%. Finally, if the total score on one or more lessons of the course does not exceed 50%, trainees can ask for reassessment.

During the course trainees will be attending a training experience designed by academics and lecturers from the National University of Athens as well as from other Universities, Research Institutes and Cultural organizations around Greece.

Interactivity, flexibility and our long tradition guarantee that learning with us offers a successful and rewarding experience. Finally, access to a large variety of material and online resources available in each unit aims to excite your curiosity and guide you in exploring further your favourite topic. Part of the online material can be downloaded providing the chance to quickly refresh your memory after the completion of the course.

When will I receive the Certificate?

The Certificate will be sent to you electronically 30 working days upon completion, if you have no remaining academic or financial obligations. The Certificate will be also sent to you through traditional post services. Upon request the Certificate can be sent with the use of courier services. In this case, the relative cost should be covered by your side.


"I am Nigerian living in Cyprus, but distance was never a problem for me studying at the E-Learning University of Athens. 

The Advanced Project Management course was really special for me and I believe it will help me in my future working plans.

The E-Learning University of Athens platform was understantable and simple, the tutor and the members in secretary's office attend quickly to questions asked. The course had an Internet book which was clearly explained and helpful for learning and understanding purposses, also my certificate and all necessary documents was delivered to me both in hard and soft copy this was really awesome.

Having completed the Advanced Project Management online course, I feel so happy to say I am satisfied for the knowledge gain and also for the certificate acquired..."

Onuoha Christopher C.