Greece, the Greek Universities and the Greek scientists occupy the first places in the research carried out internationally for the most powerful lipoid inflammatory factor "Platelet Activating Factor"

In an international research on the study of biomedical issues, Greece, Greek Universities and Greek scientists occupy the first places in the study of the most powerful inflammatory "Platelet Activating Factor" (PAF), which is involved in almost all inflammatory conditions. In addition, this factor is directly related to the beneficial effect of the Mediterranean diet on heart disease. In particular, this inflammatory factor causes atherogenesis and cardiovascular diseases that are of inflammatory etiology. The Mediterranean diet and especially olive oil contains active ingredients that are inhibitors of Platelet Activating Factor, resulting in protective and therapeutic action in atherogenesis and cardiovascular disease.
In this context [] the Expertscape algorithm (based on PubMed) ranks, according to the scientific publications for the decade 2011-2021, the researchers conducting studies on the subject of the most powerful lipoid inflammatory agent "Platelet Activating Factor", the chemical structure of which was discovered in 1979 by the Emeritus Professor of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) C. A. Demopoulos and who initiated and inspired the Greek research team of the Platelet Activating Factor decades ago. The scientists of the Greek team that are active researches on PAF, were members and / or employed in the Laboratories of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, of the Department of Chemistry of NKUA, whose Director was Professor C.A. Demopoulos.
According to the data presented, PAF is studied worldwide by about 2,200 researchers in 600 Academic / Research Institutions, in 60 countries and 370 cities. From the above countries, Greece holds the 4th place (after the USA, Japan, China), among the cities, Athens holds the 1st place and from the Institutions NKUA holds the 2nd place (after Harvard University) and Harokopio University is in the 3rd place. Of the top 10 positions of the 2,200 researchers, 8 are occupied by Greek researchers and specifically by Professor C.A. Demopoulos, members of his group and a foreign doctoral candidate with a leading Greek Professor of the group. In fact, the 1st and 2nd place from the first 10 positions of the researchers are held by the Professor of Harokopio University S. Antonopoulou and the Associate Professor of Harokopio University E. Frangopoulou, whom Expertscape calls "World Expert in Platelet Activating Factor" and congratulates with a tweet on September 24, 2021, a day dedicated to the study of platelets (Sport Purple for Platelets Day - Sep 24, 2021)
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of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) which has as its object the promotion of the educational, research and wider social work of the University of Athens, as well as the information of the citizens for various scientific issues.