Zoidis Grigoris

Grigoris Zoidis has a degree in Pharmacy (2000), from the University of Athens (U.o.A.) and holds a M.Phil. degree (M.Phil., 2002) and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Ph.D. 2006).
During his undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies was a fellow of the State Scholarships Foundation (S.S.F.). From 2006 to 2009 he held a Lecturer position with contract in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Athens, and was also a State Scholarships
Foundation postdoctoral fellow. After eighteen months further research training in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory, University of Bari in Italy and one year post-doctoral research at the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, took a Lecturer position in Pharmaceutical Chemistry in 2012, and in 2014 promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor. He is a member of many Greek and international scientific societies and has served as an assistant editor, member of the editorial board and reviewer for many international journals (http://www.hindawi.com/journals/chem/editors/medicinal.chemistry/).
He is responsible for many undergraduate and postgraduate research dissertations. His research work is included in many publications in prestigious international scientific journals (Average IF> 3), conferences and scientific books. One of his original scientific articles has been awarded as the "Top-cited article" as published in the scientific journal Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2003-2010. In 2012 he received the young investigator award (researcher under 40 years of age) by the Association of Greek Chemists and was representative of Greece in the 4th Annual Young Investigators Workshop of the Organic Division of EuCheMs in Vienna (2012, http://investigator.ias.tuwien.ac.at/researchers.html).