Patios Georgios

Georgios Patios has BA in Law and BA in Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology. He has a MA in Philosophy (University of Athens) and a PhD in Philosophy (University of Liverpool).
He was a Lecturer in Philosophy at the Dept. of C.E of the University of Liverpool (Jan. 2009-July 2012).
He has taught History of Philosophy, Philosophy of Literature, Ancient Greek Philosophy and Existentialism.
He has published a monograph (‘Kierkegaard on the Philosophy of History’, in English, Palgrave-MacMillan, April 2013) and several articles, (in English and in Greek), on history of philosophy, philosophy of history, existentialism and modern approaches on the ‘Self’.
He has also published a book of poetry (in Greek).
He has designed and wrote a series of seminars on ‘creative writing’, ‘Theatre and Philosophy’ (in Greek) and on ‘Ancient Greek Theatre - A Modern Approach’ (in English), for the Department of e-learning of the University of Athens.
He is a teaching assistant for Coursera’s online module: ‘Søren Kierkegaard: Subjectivity, Irony and the Crisis of Modernity’, Instructor: Jon Stewart.He is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Philosophy and History of Science of the University of Athens, working on Camus’, Sartre’s, Heidegger’s and Kierkegaard’s Ethics.