Papoulias Evangelos

Evangelos Papoulias is a researcher in the area of heritage management and archaeology. He graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where he completed his studies in Archaeology and History of Art. He holds a M.Sc. degree from the Panteion University in Athens, and a Ph.D. degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His research interests lie in the area of cultural heritage management. He was administrator on the Hospital for Chronic Diseases in West Athens for two years 2010-2012. He is a member of the research committee of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens since 2004 and participates in the management of many cultural projects. He is a lecturer in Course “Cultural Policy and Administration” in Postgraduate Programme “Administration of Cultural Units” of Hellenic Open University since the academic year 2013-2014. He, also, teaches in the long life and distance learning courses of the Vocational Training Center of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Course “The Constitutional and Legal Framework of Heritage Management” and “The implementation bodies of Heritage Management” in the E-Learning Programme “Heritage Management and Contemporaries Societies” since the academic year 2013. Mr. Papoulias is certificated from National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance-EOPPEP.