Papavasiliou Vasilis

Vasilis Papavasiliou is an actor and director born in Thessaloniki in 1949. Some of his recent related work is Yiannis Ritsos' ''Hellen'', Goethe's ''Iphigenia in Tavris'', ''The Adventurer'', (based on M. Hourmouzis' homonym theatrical play), Alexandros Rizos Ragavis's ''Koutroulis' Wedding'', Euripides' ''Cyclops'', as well as two operettas by Theofrastos Sakellaridis. During the last thirty five years he has directed 35 theatrical productions. He has been dealing with Sophocles, Goldoni, Marivaux, Horvath, Bond, Shakespeare, Pirandello, Moliere, Anagnostakis, Staikos, Maniotis, along with others. In addition, he has translated prose and drama (Goldoni, Bond, Moliere, Barthes, and Sad among others). What's more, he has been awarded by the Municipality of Athens, the Municipality of Halandri, the Union of Greek Critics for Drama and Music, the Theatre Festival in Siracusa, Sicily. Also, he has been teaching occasionally in various Drama Schools, as well as in the School of Drama- Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.