Efstathopoulos Efstathios

Efstathios Efstathopoulos. Associate Professor of Medical and Radiation Physics in Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He is working in the 2nd Department of Radiology at the "Attikon" University Hospital. He is delivering clinical work into the Hospital being Radiation Protection Supervisor for all Radiological units for units of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine. He is teaching at Medical School (4th year undergraduate students, lectures into the course of Radiology), at Nurse School (3rd year undergraduate students, the course of Radiation Protection). He is also teaching at three Postgraduate Programs (Medical Physics, Interventional Radiology, Endovascular techniques in the treatment of vascular diseases), in Medical School, NKUA and in Medical Physics Postgraduate Program, University of Patras.
His research focuses on patient and personnel x-ray dosimetry and quantification of the risk resulting from this, in imaging of the heart and blood vessels and applications of nanomedicine in imaging . He has published 80 original papers in international scientific journals which have received more than 1300 references to international articles and books. He is author of three chapters in scientific books. He is delivering also considerable administrative work .