Amendolara Vito

-Since 2015: Team Manager at Interdisciplinary Group for the Standards of the Mediterranean Diet
-Since 2015: Commissioner in Reggio Emilia (Italy) at COLDIRETTI
-Since 2014: Vice-President at FESASS (Fédération Européenne pour la Santé Animale et la Sécurité Sanitaire )
-2013- 2016 : President of Regional Observatory for the Mediterranean Diet - Campania, Italy
Since July 2013 Member of the teaching staff to the Master’s course in “Food Safety Analysis and Management” at Università degli Studi di Milano in collaboration with Università degli Studi di Pavia and Università Cattolica (in Piacenza and Cremona)
-Since June 2013: Representative of the Association of Italian Farmers within the Board of Directors of FESASS (European Federation for Animal Health and Health Safety), ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA ALLEVATORI
Since May 2013: Consultant and Lecturer to the inspectors involved in buffalo breeding and milk pickers, Certification Body for food products with PDO (Protected designation of origin)/ PGI (Protected Geographical Indication)/ TSG (Traditional Specialities Guaranteed) classifications. Certification Body for the official recognition of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP
-Since 2011: Delegate of Regione Campania at Ministry of Health (Consumers’ and Producers’ Council about food safety established by the Italian Ministerial Decree of 18 September 2009). At the council, public institutions and consumers’ and producers’associations consult and make decisions in order to facilitate citizen awareness of healthy food
-In May 2013: Lecturer in Lessons about screening and monitoring for brucellosis at Università degli Studi di Milano - Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria
-In May 2013: Lecturer in Seminar on “Hygiene and its approach to the business system: product tracking, product traceability and certification” at Università degli Studi di Milano
-2010-2013: Delegate Commissioner (OPCM 3634/07) for Brucellosis infection at the Civil Protection Department in Rome
-06/201-10/2012: Advisor to the President of Campania Regional Committee at Regione Campania - about Agriculture, Rural Development, Zootechny, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing
Law on the Mediterranean Diet: approved in March 2012 as “Promotion of sustainable development model about the Mediterranean Diet”;Forestry: Participation in the Chairman's Committee of the regional forestry management and control established by the 2012 budget (Art. 35); access to 60 million euro of Fas Funds for the start up of the Major Project of forest infrastructure;Social Farming: a growing understanding of the potential role of agricultural and rural resources for enhancing the social, physical and mental well-being of people. Approved in March by the Regional Council of Campania, the implementing regulation is to be defined; Multifunctionality: Regional bill on the "Promotion of multifunctional farming activities in Campania"; Establishment of the Regional Table on Obesity; Projects for Integrated Rural Areas (PIRAP) for the submission and funding of executive projects for a total budget of € 102 million; Integrated Supply Chain Projects (PIF- Progetti di Filiera): integrated supply chain projects for cereal, olive, olive oil, fruit, vegetables, wine and livestock for public expenditure of more than 138 meuro; EFF (European Fisheries Funds) 2007-2013: reached 102% of the target to Regione Campania; CAG: issued the announcement for Coastal Action Group of Axis 4 of the FEP 2007/2013; Tavolo Verde: management of Tavolo verde, in which the Administration and the professional organizations discuss about agriculture and rural development (Resolution 546/10); Tavolo Verde: It is a committee for phytosanitary emergencies in which local institutions and professional organizations undertake sanitary and phytosanitary measures to combat harmful organisms in the territory (Resolution 254/11); New CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) : a path of confrontation with the Professional Agricultural Organization is aimed at sharing the contribution of Regione Campania to the path of negotiation of the new CAP; Environmental Safety: a Memorandum of Understanding is signed in order to define a pilot program aimed at food safety for the agricultural areas near Giugliano in Campania affected by environmental water and soil pollution; Food Safety: A Regional Food Safety Observatory (O.R.S.A., the Italian acronym) is introduced with the aim to promote specific initiatives and communication campaigns for the prevention of risk associated with food consumption and to foster the adoption of healthy behaviours and correct eating habits ( art. 221-223 – Financial Budget 2011); Food Safety: An integrated regional plan is approved in collaboration with the department of Health for Food Safety, animal health and plant health. This plan sets out procedures for official controls on food products safety, animal welfare, animal health and feed, plant health, involving also the Regional Observatory for Food Safety (ORSA) (Decree n. 377/11); Vinitaly: Campania Region and 240 local enterprises participation at Vinitaly 2012 in about 5.000 meters of exhibition area.